Intentional Grace Training (IG) Workshops
Fellow homeopaths….
The Intentional Grace (IG) card system was developed in 2007 by Therese Boyle, and is being used successfully by other homeopaths. It involves a card system that flows into two comprehensive booklets categorising available homeopathic remedies.
We meet with our clients and ‘take their case’ in the usual homeopathic way. The exception is that we’re not thinking about kingdoms or rubrics or remedies, we are able to stay in the ‘curious’ mind through the whole consult. When using this IG system we realise over time that we are engaging in a different process that invites our energetic systems to be fully present in the homeopathic process.
We engage with the client allowing them to articulate and explore their symptoms, asking questions and clarifying responses. If it then feels appropriate to prescribe a remedy, we use the IG system to explore potential remedy options.
This engagement with the IG system eliminates the necessity of repertorising or prescribing from the feeling that we ‘know’ the remedy.
We step out of our thinking minds and into the oneness, the space between, universal intelligence.
Once we have established our energetic connection, we then, through either muscle testing or dowsing, blind test through the cards with the client.
Generally, one card will test in and contain the remedy category indicated for the client. At this point it is appropriate to move to the booklet with the remedies in their various categories. Again, without our thinking and knowing mind engaged, we test through to identify a “potential” specific remedy for the client.
Once a remedy has been identified, our thinking mind kicks back in and it’s time to explore the materia medica to discern the relevance or appropriateness of the remedy that has tested in.
It’s not a case of prescribing a remedy just because it’s tested in. We are homeopaths and the remedy needs to fit the totality of the case.
Would you like to work with this system?
We provide training to enable homeopaths to use the IG card system within their homeopathic practices.
The process involves:
A consultation, in person or online, to experience the process described above. There is no requirement to take the remedy or to interfere with any therapeutic relationship you are engaged in. It’s purely to gain a more thorough understanding of the Intentional Grace system. This is a 90-minute consultation and the cost is NZ$165.
Once you have completed the consultation and decide to proceed with the training then the following fee is payable NZ$520 plus postage which comprises the IG card system and booklets (containing over 4,500 remedies).
When you have received the cards and booklets there is a one-hour training, in person or online, to acquaint you with the process of using the IG resources. Then we advise you spend 4-6 weeks using the system and collating any questions for a further one-hour training.
There is ongoing mentoring support available as well as collegial support with private groups on Facebook and Signal.
There is an option to join the IG website where you can advertise and receive updates. This is NZ$55 yearly.
To discuss further contact christinekeno@gmail.com or hello@thereseboyle.com.
To participate in Intentional Grace (IG) training you need:
to be a qualified Homeopath
to be able to muscle test or dowse, as we do not teach you this skill, we teach you how to apply it to this system.

Intentional Grace
Card System
Email to discuss using IG in your practice
Dendritic Agate carries balancing polarities which help us find our point of balance and wisdom.
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Training Testimonial from a Homeopath
Finding Intentional Grace was transformative for my homeopathic practice. I was drawn to homeopathy originally because of its understanding and application of “energetic medicine”. Homeopathic remedies are energetic substances and profound in their non-material healing, but that aspect is often overlooked. The Intentional Grace system takes that knowledge and applies it to the whole process of case taking, health and remedies.
I am located in the US and wanted to learn more once discovering it was available to other homeopaths. Through private SKYPE consults with Therese I was able to experience the process for my own healing and also to learn the system for my practice. It was a connecting, transformative and beautiful experience. I had no challenges learning via SKYPE, especially after experiencing a consult with Therese.
-Carrie Hamilton HMC
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